Sunday, April 26, 2015

Snitches Get Stitches

When I began to prepare for this week, all I could find was pictures that said "snitches get stitches". Seeing it repeatedly made me chuckle. I mean really "snitches get stitches". The more I looked into it the more I realized that the saying is one that has completely taken over popular culture. "Snitches get stitches" is so popular that I even found a video clip promoting the statement using the children's character Barney. Even still, I found myself wondering what does the statement mean to the Christian body?

As Christians we are commanded to live lives that represent and line up with the truth. There are countless scriptures that direct us to be truthful. For example, 

Proverbs 12:22 says (NIV) "The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in
people who are trustworthy."

While Ephesians 4:25 (NIV), tells us 

"Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body."

In both instances, it is clear that God expects us to share the truth and turn away from lies. Still, I wondered how can we relate? How can we as Christians ever be categorized as snitches? How can we be looked at with disdain for speaking the truth when we are commanded to do so?

We have to consider how we speak, when we speak, where we speak, and why we speak. Snitches speak recklessly when they are in compromising or unfavorable positions. They often speak in private or under the guise of being someone else. Snitches always speak to bring about a negative result. On the other hand, Christians carefully and courageously speak the word of God at all times. Christians are bold and do not shy away from publicly
confessing their faith. Christians share God's word to build people up and provide a proper foundation for relationships with Christ.

Snitches are promised stitches, however Christians are promised life. Christian or snitch? It's up to you to decide.

Adayinthelife :-)

Friday, April 17, 2015

United We Stand

There is in everyone's life a moment that is so pronounced because of the shift in a relationship. That moment becomes the one that defines everything that you thought you knew about who you were. Your thoughts change, actions change, everything begins to change the moment your bond is broken.

Two people who were once united. Two people who were once able to finish each other's sentences. Two people who once swore that nothing could ever come between them. Two people who were once able to exist in perfect harmony become two people who cannot stand the sound of each other's voice.

It happens in an instant is what we say, but there is no instantaneous way to separate two people who have at one point been unified. The truth is unity is compromised in the accumulation of hurts. Unity is compromised by the sum total of the things that we try to forget without being willing to forgive. Unity is compromised when we turn away from what unified us in the first place.

In some relationships, unity exists as a result of a familial relationship. Unity also exists in relationships between friends and of course between those involved in romantic relationships. While unity exists within the framework of all of these relationships, unity or harmony is established by God.

What is rarely acknowledged is that the unity that we enjoy in relationships is not because we like the same movies, have the same parents, or desire the same outcomes. The unity that we enjoy exists because we are linked together spirit to spirit. So if you have become two people who are no longer unified, could it be that someone is operating outside of the spirit of God?

Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
Romans 12:16

Adayinthelife :-)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Over Coming The Temptation To Give Up Hope

Today I was encouraging a friend who is faced with some health challenges. It was completely effortless to send her messages of hope because everything that I said to her is something that I truly believe. By His stripes we are healed I told her. Where we are weak He is strong. I told her these things to remind her of who we are in Christ. I told her these things because I know just how easy it is to be at a point where you are so tempted to just give up.

Many people believe that Christians, especially those of strong faith, are not tempted in this way. They believe that you do not have battles with hope if you have a strong prayer life, are rooted in a ministry, and outwardly show a strong sense of faith. I must share with you just how untrue that is. We all have moments where we are so challenged by situations that we can't see our way out. We all have been affected by a health crisis either personally or through family and friends. We've all had a moment where our ability to trust was compromised by a hurt. We've lost loved ones, jobs, and homes. In many of those moments, we were able to remember that God was right there with us. However, if we are honest with ourselves we can admit that there were many moments where the lure of our own fears and inadequacies tempted us to give up.

These temptations are the quiet ones that don't receive all of the notoriety and fame. We speak often of being tempted to have sex, drink, lie, gossip, and overeat. Rarely is there a discussion about being tempted to give up hope, being tempted to walk away from your faith, or being tempted to turn your back on God. We hide from these conversations because we are embarrassed or ashamed. What we must realize is that we are not alone. We have brothers and sisters in Christ who have overcome these temptations. This is why it is so important to assemble with other believers to share your faith as well as how you overcame your fears.

God is always with us. He assures us that in His word. Do your best to rest in the knowledge that He will not allow you to be tempted without also providing you a way out.

Adayinthelife :-)

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Remember the Sabbath

Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. Remember to look both ways before you cross the road. Remember to brush your teeth twice a day. Remember where you put your keys or even better where you parked your car. Remember to always say please and thank you. Remember to put on deodorant when you get out of the shower. Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy.

I just gave you a list of things that are so common that they don't actually need reminders. We practice them so many times throughout our lives that they become a part of us just like our arms and legs. No one forgets to look before crossing the road. No one forgets to brush their teeth. Occasionally we forget where we placed our keys, but that is but for a moment. Unfortunately, we have a habit of forgetting the Sabbath.

None of us intends to forget the Sabbath. We are taught the importance of gathering together on Sunday for church. We are taught the importance of learning to sing hymns and reciting scripture. We are even taught the importance of Jesus and His sacrifice. However, we are not truly taught how to remember the Sabbath.

Does remembering the Sabbath mean assembling for service? Yes it does. But the assembling must be to seek God, to share God, and to worship God. We must put away assembling for convenience sake, popularity sake, and tradition sake. We must put away being busy with the preparation of going to the church building while neglecting the church people.

Does remembering the Sabbath mean singing hymns? Yes, it means that too. However, we must sing to echo the sound of God's voice and not to revel in the harmony of our own. We must sing to pour out our love and devotion to God. No longer can singing be about who has what we think is the best voice. No longer can singing be about the performance.

Does remembering the Sabbath mean reciting scripture? My God yes it does. This too has to be on purpose. Reciting scripture must be to fill your spirit with God's word, to be able to hear the truth of God's word, and to speak life to those who have yet to know God's word.

These are not the only ways to remember the Sabbath, but shifting the focus in the things that we already do is a great place to start.

Then Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath.
Mark 2:27 (NLT)

Adayinthelife :-)