Thursday, May 30, 2013

Give Unto God

Last year I had a conversation with one of my girlfriends about tithing. Both of us had been faithful tithe payers for years, but we were beginning to question why. Speaking for myself, I wondered why I was paying faithfully and still not getting ahead. Every month my tithe check was written along with my rent, car payment, and other bills. If you were to take a look at my monthly budget, tithe was written at the top of the list. Imagine that, my tithe listed as a bill. Right below it was listed my offering. In my mind, this was putting God first. Truth is it wasn't.

Tithing is giving to God and when we give to God it is a form of worship. I don't know about anyone else, but I am not in worship mode when I pay the rent. I didn't have an ounce of reverence for the good people at Tallahassee utilities. I paid my bills out of routine. Now you see the problem with my thinking of my tithe and offering as a bill?

My tithe and offering were bills that I routinely paid to the bill collector. No wonder I became weary with that. My focus was on the wrong thing. I turned it over in my mind for a while. On one level I understood the principle of tithing, but along the road I had dropped off the element of worship. You can give routinely and satisfy the monetary requirements, however your giving is in vain if you are not doing it with the right spirit. Remember,
Colossians 3:23 KJV

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.


Friday, May 24, 2013

The Closet ~ Coming Out

What is it like to live life outside of the closet? The closet is the place where you go to hide who you are on the inside. The place where you hide your true love and devotion. The place where you store your secret fears, wants, and needs. It is the place where you long ago decided to live your true life. Sometimes the closet is a place where we hide junk that we don't have time to clean up or are afraid for everyone to see. The closet is where I hid you Lord. The closet is where I hid me.

During my undergraduate years at UCF, I tucked you away from my classmates so that I could live the life. I wanted to drink and host parties. Everybody was invited to Thursday night live where we would play drinking games and act crazy. Everyone was welcome  except you Lord. You would've ruined the vibe. You would've dampened the mood and made my friends think I was a fanatic.

I tucked you away from my boyfriend.  It was easier that way. I mean if we were constantly talking about you, how would I have ever gotten him to stay?? But when he went home, remember I prayed and I prayed. And you heard me Lord. I know you did. Lord I tucked you away from my friends and my family too. I didn't have time for all that Jesus stuff, church,  or anything else that Christians do. I was living my life trying hard to make it. Doing my best to show them I was somebody. I didn't have time for your agenda too.

I didn't have time for one year that turn into four before I realized it. I was so good at cussing, fussing, and drinking that even I forgot that you and I used to be close. I forgot that Your voice was one I knew better than my own. I forgot that I had once openly loved You and that the boxes, the baggage, the closet full of junk was stuff that I'd piled on You. It was stuff that I used to hide from You. At the time, I didn't know that all I had to do to uncover You was open the closet door.


Thursday, May 23, 2013

I Believe In The Power of Prayer

I believe in the power of prayer. Prayer has been what has grounded me and made such a positive impact on my life. My first memories involve praying before dinner and at bedtime. My favorite of these prayers was “now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. And if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.” A simple prayer to a little girl that still has so much relevance thirty plus years later.

My belief in prayer and that prayer specifically rests in the comfort that it brings. We live in a world where bad things crowd the news daily. When I pray, it puts those things into perspective. When I pray, it gives me a sense of hope and relief. I pray and I can face what is in front of me. I pray and it gives a new meaning to what may come. I pray and everything, even the difficult things that I don’t fully understand, has meaning.

I remember eight years ago when prayer became important to me for my everyday survival. I was facing emergency surgery for the second time in less than a year. My body was worn down from the treatments and the stress that having the treatments caused. I prayed on a daily basis, but my prayers were kind of hollow and reflective of where the sickness was. One day I found myself in excruciating pain. I would later learn that a cyst rupturing was likely the cause of it. I felt weakened and defeated, but a friend who I called on, said let’s pray. He prayed a prayer that immediately lifted my spirits and gave me hope. I hadn’t realized that the prayers that I was praying were full of fancy words and completely lacking hope. On that day, I had a new appreciation for what prayer does and what prayer gives. On that day, I truly understood what it meant to say I believe in the power of prayer.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Closet ~ Teaser

What is it like to live life outside of the closet? The closet is the place where you go to hide who you are on the inside. The place where you hide your true love and devotion. The place where you store your secret fears, wants, and needs. It is the place where you long ago decided to live your true life. Sometimes the closet is a place where we hide junk that we don't have time to clean up or are afraid for everyone to see. The closet is where I hid you Lord. The closet is where I hid me.....


Wednesday, May 15, 2013


James 4:10 KJV

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

Growing up I'm sure many of us heard "you can do anything you put your mind to". Parents used this saying to motivate children to do better and aim for higher goals. Teachers used this saying to inspire their students both high achievers and low. Occasionally, a little boy or girl heard these words and did all that he or she could to become great. Long hours were spent training to be the best athlete, the best doctor, the best lawyer, or the best CEO that they could be.

Biographies retell stories of how he worked long hours to develop his craft, she put herself through school, made the dean's list, all state, all American, this accolade or that. The self acknowledgment goes on and on elevating the person with each word of praise. Sometimes, at the bitter end, we are treated to "and last but not least I'd like to thank God". God comes after mama, daddy, grandma, auntie, coach, teacher, agent, publicist, entourage, and self. We say things like we are so "humbled by the opportunities afforded us". I find that so hard to believe.

If we were truly humbled, we would not thank the entire U S of A before we thank the one true God. We would not boast in our abilities to close deals, score touchdowns, or my favorite "save lives". We would remember that all things come from God and our lives are to be devoted to Him. We would thank Him for the lives He saved, for the yards he allowed our legs to run, and for the lives that we were able to impact for the kingdom through our work. If we were humbled by the opportunity, we would give honor to God for our lives by living as He would.  Service to others would be above every single one of our personal wants AND needs. We would encourage our children to be all God called them to be instead of encouraging them to chase after their own desires. Acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths would be what we taught them, if we were actually interested in being humble.


Friday, May 10, 2013

Divinely Appointed ~ A Mother's Worth

Have you ever considered the fact that God didn't have to allow Jesus to be born of a woman? I hadn't until bible study on Wednesday night. Jesus was born of Mary, but Adam was born of God. This distinction means many things. One of which is that Mary, along with every other mother, was divinely appointed for the job.

Divinely appointed means chosen specifically by God to carry forth a task. It is not the same as being voted on and elected by popularity or proxy. A divine appointment is one with a specific purpose. It is true that Mary was chosen for her virtue, but I am quite certain that she was not the only virgin on earth. When she was chosen, God knew her character, her attitude, her level of faith. He knew the times when she would falter and the times when she would stand strong. He knew her before the beginning of time and He decided that she would be the mother of Jesus. He chose Debra to be the mother of Tellius, Avis to be the mother of Candy, Jeannette to be the mother of Tamia, and so on. Each one of us had our mother specifically chosen by God. Is that not reason enough to honor her?
We get caught up in what she didn't do or what she said. We say things like

 "I'm done with her. I ain't got time for her problems. I wish God would've picked a better mom for me than that."

We forget that He did pick. Regardless of whether they intended to get pregnant, our mothers are not our mothers by accident. They are who they are on purpose. I challenge you as I challenge myself to never again associate accident, disappointment, or discord with the woman who was divinely appointed to be your mother. God knew what He was doing when He put the two of you together. Honor that.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

What Would You Do?

Have you considered the impact you would endure if you lost your mother? Have you thought about how life altering that would be? I used to consider it. At one point I even wrote a personal narrative that began "I remember the day that my mother died". I remember the looks on the faces of my classmates when I read that. I was writing a story about how the person that I'd loved so much as a little girl had left me. It took several pages before they realized she hadn't actually died. She was alive, though not well.

When I wrote that story, I was doing all I could to heal. I didn't want to think about who my mother was anymore. I wanted so much for her to just be who she once was. I considered how devasted I was to have lost what we once had. I considered how embarrassed I felt when I had to introduce her to my new friends. You know the ones who hadn't known her when she was my mom. I internalized all of my feelings, but I never considered hers. I never thought about how her life changed when she lost her mother.

My mom was a great mom because her mom was extraordinary. Grandma Til was everyone's center. We lived with her because my mom was just a girl when I was born. She was the baby in every sense of the word. She depended on my grandma. Their lives were completely intertwined. Then one day my mother lost her mother.

I remember being so angry with God. I was devastated... a little girl without her grandma. But my mom was without her mom. Without her center, her hero. I never really thought about what it was like for her. I blamed her for not being able to pull it together. But I don't know if I could. Could you? Could you wake up and go on with your life just like that? Could you raise your kids, live your life, make everything beautiful without your mom?


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Just A Thought

Ponder this... The person that gets on your nerves and that you spend so much time complaining about is the very same person that you were supposed to spend eternity right next to. What you didn't know was that God decided that the one who irks you so much that you said "I don't want to be no where around her/him" will spend eternity in heaven. If they are bound for heaven and you don't want to be around them, what does that say for you? Where exactly will your home be?

Tonight's lesson - Your life follows your words so choose them wisely.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Me, Myself, & I

"Me, myself, and I that's all I got in the end." Beyoncé had everyone singing along to that song. I was under her spell blindly singing along to something that I didn't even believe. The song is literally saying that in this world I can only rely on myself. Hold up a second.
How on earth did I ever purchase something like that? How did I ever line my spirit up in agreement with it? Me, myself, and I is all I have? That is probably the dumbest thing a believer can say. But, many of us did then and still do now. We are so focused on ourselves that we sing songs, quote catch phrases, and live lives that demonstrate how little we reverence God.

When I was heart broken, I cried and asked God to heal me. But that happened at home. In the public eye, I blasted Beyoncé and wrote status messages quoting Mary. You know the "I can do bad all by myself" ministry. All the while, what I was actually doing was showing the world what I thought of God. There is no room for God in me, myself, or I statements. And if I can do bad all by myself, I don't need him. I don't need anybody. Right?
If we look to the bible, Psalm 59:12-13 KJV says,

For the sins of their mouths, for the words of their lips, let them be caught in their pride. For the curses and lies they utter, consume them in your wrath, consume them till they are no more. Then it will be known to the ends of the earth that God rules over Jacob.

The sin of my mouth was heard every time I sang along with that song. Every time I let my feelings direct me to say "I can do bad all by myself", I was sending curses and lies to the ears of my Father. Every time I said "it's all about me or any other slick remark designed to elevate myself or my importance, I was heaping curses on my own head. Oh what if God had consumed me? What if my vanity and my pride had led to my death? Operating in pride is sin and the wages of sin is death. What if God had allowed my words to manifest and me, myself, and I was really all I had left?
