Wednesday, May 15, 2013


James 4:10 KJV

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

Growing up I'm sure many of us heard "you can do anything you put your mind to". Parents used this saying to motivate children to do better and aim for higher goals. Teachers used this saying to inspire their students both high achievers and low. Occasionally, a little boy or girl heard these words and did all that he or she could to become great. Long hours were spent training to be the best athlete, the best doctor, the best lawyer, or the best CEO that they could be.

Biographies retell stories of how he worked long hours to develop his craft, she put herself through school, made the dean's list, all state, all American, this accolade or that. The self acknowledgment goes on and on elevating the person with each word of praise. Sometimes, at the bitter end, we are treated to "and last but not least I'd like to thank God". God comes after mama, daddy, grandma, auntie, coach, teacher, agent, publicist, entourage, and self. We say things like we are so "humbled by the opportunities afforded us". I find that so hard to believe.

If we were truly humbled, we would not thank the entire U S of A before we thank the one true God. We would not boast in our abilities to close deals, score touchdowns, or my favorite "save lives". We would remember that all things come from God and our lives are to be devoted to Him. We would thank Him for the lives He saved, for the yards he allowed our legs to run, and for the lives that we were able to impact for the kingdom through our work. If we were humbled by the opportunity, we would give honor to God for our lives by living as He would.  Service to others would be above every single one of our personal wants AND needs. We would encourage our children to be all God called them to be instead of encouraging them to chase after their own desires. Acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths would be what we taught them, if we were actually interested in being humble.


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