Friday, May 10, 2013

Divinely Appointed ~ A Mother's Worth

Have you ever considered the fact that God didn't have to allow Jesus to be born of a woman? I hadn't until bible study on Wednesday night. Jesus was born of Mary, but Adam was born of God. This distinction means many things. One of which is that Mary, along with every other mother, was divinely appointed for the job.

Divinely appointed means chosen specifically by God to carry forth a task. It is not the same as being voted on and elected by popularity or proxy. A divine appointment is one with a specific purpose. It is true that Mary was chosen for her virtue, but I am quite certain that she was not the only virgin on earth. When she was chosen, God knew her character, her attitude, her level of faith. He knew the times when she would falter and the times when she would stand strong. He knew her before the beginning of time and He decided that she would be the mother of Jesus. He chose Debra to be the mother of Tellius, Avis to be the mother of Candy, Jeannette to be the mother of Tamia, and so on. Each one of us had our mother specifically chosen by God. Is that not reason enough to honor her?
We get caught up in what she didn't do or what she said. We say things like

 "I'm done with her. I ain't got time for her problems. I wish God would've picked a better mom for me than that."

We forget that He did pick. Regardless of whether they intended to get pregnant, our mothers are not our mothers by accident. They are who they are on purpose. I challenge you as I challenge myself to never again associate accident, disappointment, or discord with the woman who was divinely appointed to be your mother. God knew what He was doing when He put the two of you together. Honor that.


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