Thursday, May 2, 2013

Me, Myself, & I

"Me, myself, and I that's all I got in the end." Beyoncé had everyone singing along to that song. I was under her spell blindly singing along to something that I didn't even believe. The song is literally saying that in this world I can only rely on myself. Hold up a second.
How on earth did I ever purchase something like that? How did I ever line my spirit up in agreement with it? Me, myself, and I is all I have? That is probably the dumbest thing a believer can say. But, many of us did then and still do now. We are so focused on ourselves that we sing songs, quote catch phrases, and live lives that demonstrate how little we reverence God.

When I was heart broken, I cried and asked God to heal me. But that happened at home. In the public eye, I blasted Beyoncé and wrote status messages quoting Mary. You know the "I can do bad all by myself" ministry. All the while, what I was actually doing was showing the world what I thought of God. There is no room for God in me, myself, or I statements. And if I can do bad all by myself, I don't need him. I don't need anybody. Right?
If we look to the bible, Psalm 59:12-13 KJV says,

For the sins of their mouths, for the words of their lips, let them be caught in their pride. For the curses and lies they utter, consume them in your wrath, consume them till they are no more. Then it will be known to the ends of the earth that God rules over Jacob.

The sin of my mouth was heard every time I sang along with that song. Every time I let my feelings direct me to say "I can do bad all by myself", I was sending curses and lies to the ears of my Father. Every time I said "it's all about me or any other slick remark designed to elevate myself or my importance, I was heaping curses on my own head. Oh what if God had consumed me? What if my vanity and my pride had led to my death? Operating in pride is sin and the wages of sin is death. What if God had allowed my words to manifest and me, myself, and I was really all I had left?


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