Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just when I thought...

Just when I thought my day wouldn't take another turn, it did. I've been in such an old school, throwback mood for the past two days. It started when I went to update my myspace music list. I couldn't think of anything that I wanted to hear playing on my profile except Bobby Brown. I know some of you might think I'm nuts, but I used to L-O-V-E Bobby Brown. I still remember when my dad bought the Bobby Brown concert video. I used to watch that video every single day. Then my dad took me to the Bobby Brown concert for my birthday. Those were the days when Bobby and daddy could do no wrong.

So for two days it's been lots of Bobby Brown and 90210. I don't know whose idea it was to put free episodes of the original show on the net, but I love that person with all of my heart. I've watched about 10 shows in 2 days. It's comforting because it helps me remember a time when I thought my world was just over. I was such an angst ridden teenager. One minute I thought everything was great and by the end of the 60 seconds I hated myself, my surroundings, my everything. It is so good to remember that. Sometimes it's hard for me to appreciate where I am right now. I'm not that skinny little girl anymore who pigged out with her friends then stayed up for hours exercising. I'm not the girl who feels like she has to hang with the popular girls(even if she can't stand some of them) to fit in. I am certainly not the girl who felt like she was nothing without a boyfriend....preferably a fine one :0.

I don't know when I stopped being that girl. I don't know when just being cool inside of this dark chocolate skin was enough. I'm glad that I knew her. I'm glad that I remember her because just when I thought things really couldn't get any worse....I remembered that they already had and I turned out just fine.


Michae E. Allen said...

Chapter 1...:)

Don said...

I remember when Bobby Brown had the music game on lock. What happened?

*cues Charlie Murphy*