Thursday, November 26, 2015

I Belong To You. Do You Belong To Me?

I sit quietly occupying the space. There are so many words that I want to pass between us. I love you are the easiest three, but I don't think that you believe them. I have been saying them and showing my love to you for years, but you continue to keep me at arm's length. I wish you understood how frustrating it is to say that I love you and not hear it in return. I wish you understood what it's like to know that the person who you give everything to is not willing to do the same. I belong to you, but I wonder do you belong to Me?

Loving you was easy at first. You had about you an innocence that allowed you to be completely open and transparent with me. When I spoke, you listened. When I encouraged you to do something, you understood the importance of completing the task right away. You listened intently to My voice. You waited for it. Sometimes hours would pass, but you would still be right there allowing our time together to be more than the sum of shared words. You spoke. I listened. I spoke. You listened. From the exchange, we were both filled with Hope. There was no question of our commitment to each other. I belonged to you and you belonged to Me.

Time has had its way with us. The openness that we once shared is one-sided. I see that you are hurting, but my attempts to comfort you are brushed away. I used to be able to whisper softly in your ear when you were anxious or confused. I still whisper, but you act as if you don't hear. Perhaps you no longer recognize my voice. Perhaps your ear is turned to another. Perhaps you truly no longer belong to Me.

But, I belong to you. I love you and it's more than words. I love you with all that I am. I will keep fighting for you. Remember, you were so special to Me that I gave up my life for you. That was the way that I showed you that I belonged to you then. Is knowing how much you mean to me enough to bring you back to Me again?

Adayinthelife :-)

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