Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Space Between Us Two

Today I told my bestfriend a lie.
I did it even though I don't know the reason why.

There used to be a spot between us that sheltered the truth.
We would talk and I would always know what to do.

Today I told my bestfriend a lie.
I listened to him speak to keep from crying.

The reasons why seem vast though they're few.
Lingering in the space between us two.

Today I told my bestfriend a lie.
I can't believe it, but I'm trying.

He holds my darkest secrets in a safe.
He never makes me feel out of place.

But the moment when I told him that one lie
I knew a part of me was saying goodbye

To the way things used to be
When it was just my bestfriend and me.

Adayinthelife :-)

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