Friday, March 11, 2011

I Feel It Deep Down on the Inside

I woke up this morning to another beautiful morning and another head shaking dream. The dream was a variation of one I have often. I am surrounded by friends from high school. We are involved in various activities, but there are always two people present. Willie and Jason are always the first and last part of my dream. Both of them played a role in helping to shape me into who I am. Willie helped me face the reality that things are not always black and white. Jason helped me come to terms with being a spoiled little princess. LOL! They were both lessons that I needed at 17. They are both lessons that I cherish at 35.

When I was able to lift myself from the fog of the dream, I felt something deep down on the inside that I haven't felt in a long time. I was at first a little unsure about what was happening. I almost fell into one of my deep reflective thoughts, but the feeling just got bigger and bigger. I filled the tiny spaces that wanted a deeper understanding. It silenced the little voice that always tries to trip me up. In just a few moments, it became this radiant thing that has me...well, it just has me. LOL! I just know that I won't let go.

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