Sunday, August 12, 2012

Did I say "never look back"?

Well, I think what I should have said was never look back unless it helps you to appreciate what's in front of you. I had the privilege of wandering down memory lane yesterday. I drove through streets that have long been in need of upkeep. My trip was reminiscent of a Sunday afternoon stroll through the park. Memories wafted through my head like careless butterflies. I remembered what was once long forgotten. Each new picture thrilled me. The orange polo shirt that brought out the deep chocolate of my skin. The purple jump suit that was really neither purple or a jump suit. The grey & black striped skirt paired with my favorite pumps... All of these images drifting through my mind creating a picture. Before I knew it though the images were shifting. I saw a lavender shirt paired with faded jeans, a grey striped dress purchased on a whim, and a stark white towel that had somehow been transformed into a dress. My memories both the old and the not so old were transforming and teaching me. I was uncertain what would happen if I allowed myself to remember. But the part of me that longs to not forget is the same part that has simply moved on. I don't have to wonder how I look in red short shorts, cowgirl tees, or cream Kors sweaters.... Adayinthelife:)

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