Friday, January 11, 2013

Obedience Requires Sacrifice

Obedience Requires Sacrifice 1/10/13

Obedience is greater than sacrifice, but what happens when obedience requires a sacrifice? I wasn't going to write anything this week just because I figured no one really reads it and they won't miss what they don't acknowledge anyway. But, I wouldn't let myself cry during tonight's episode of Grey's and now a set of misplaced tears are pushing me to write. 6 months ago I moved away from all that I knew at the word of the Lord. Admittedly, I had moving on my mind, but I wouldn't have done it without God's direction. You see my move entailed a whole lot of sacrifice. My move meant I would have to leave my family, my friends, my church, and my job. My move meant I would have to trust that God knew what He was doing. My move meant I would have to give up my familiar.

Typically, you will find that people will follow God if it is convenient. If God says change your shirt, you will. If He says go work at a different school, you reply no problem. I've been looking for a change. If He says give $1 in the unity offering, you jump up quickly with it. If God says fellowship with my people, you sit through 1 or 2 services a month. But when what God says requires too much time, effort, or money it will not be done. God is reasonable right?

You find yourself conducting a conversation with your more enlightened self. He couldn't possibly want you to step outside of your comfort zone. He couldn't possibly want you to be away from your family & friends. He couldn't possibly want you to give up being served by the ministry and serve others. It takes too much time. It takes too much money and remember you no longer have a job. God couldn't possibly want my time, effort, and certainly not my money. God wants me to be happy so He won't stretch me beyond my own expectations. He won't try to impede on my plans. Right? Wrong. Being obedient to God's plan is more important than anything. This is especially true when being obedient requires you to sacrifice. I say put yourself in Jesus's shoes. His obedience meant He had to die. Was His life not the ultimate sacrifice? I hope you ate well. Adayinthelife :-)

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