Friday, November 22, 2013

You Didn't Have To Be What He Called You

The very first time I remember someone saying to me "oh what you saved and sanctified now huh" was about 8 years ago. A part of me didn't want to bear the weight of words meant to separate me from our friendship. The other part of me didn't even know what those words meant. I had heard them all my life, but that day they were thrown at me like an accusation and I was not guilty.

I had rededicated my life to God. I had begun the journey to right living. But I was not what he called me. I was not sanctified. Or was I? Was I some holy roller who thought that I was better than him? Had I become the person who looked down on others because they were not doing what I thought was right? The answer is flatly no. I had not become his image of a holy roller and I didn't have enough foresight to look down on anyone. But, I was sanctified.

I was sanctified because God allowed me to be reconciled to Him. I was sanctified because God decided to use me as one of His messengers. It was not by my design, but His. The path that I was on was not my desire or choosing, but my friend had decided salvation was a way to put me down.

I never imagined that trying to live right would mean that I was labeled. After a while, I started to accept it. I started to act like he was not good enough because he wasn't a Christian. He drank, smoked, and spent every weekend in the club. During this time, I was always ready with a list of things he could do to live right. I had a million ways to fix him, but I never approached him with the love of God. I never approached him with kindness. It was always with disdain and a holier than thou attitude. It didn't occur to me that I couldn't fix him. All of my ideas were great, but not a one mattered because I was not God. I had no real insight into the plan for his life. All I had was an excuse not to focus on my own.


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