Friday, January 3, 2014

Letting Go Of The Past

There is one question that we should all consider when we are faced with whether or not to let go of the past. If I don't let go, how will it affect someone else's life?

I begin here because we often believe that letting go of the past is something that we do solely for self benefit. We think; if I let go of a past hurt, success, or failure, I will be the sole beneficiary. I will relieve stress or I will be the bigger person. These things may be benefits, but what if letting go of the past could change a life?

Saul was in this situation after his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. Saul hunted, persecuted, and killed Christians. He did so boldly with the surety that his actions were justified. However, after Saul met Jesus on the road, his life was forever changed. The problem was people had a hard time of letting go of Saul's past.

The Lord knew that Saul's past would have an effect on his ministry so one of the things that he did was to change Saul's name to Paul. The change created a barrier between his present and his past, but the people still had a hard time letting go.

Saul was associated with death, but Paul contributed 13 books to the bible. Paul is responsible for recording the blueprint for our understanding of what love (God) is. Could these things have been possible if people continued to view him through the lens of his past?

Psalm 32:1 says

Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.

As we move forward, remember this scripture and let go of the past.


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