Thursday, April 3, 2014

Where Is Your Value Established?

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Matthew 6:26

I remember what it was like being the little dark skinned girl. I say dark skinned now, but at that time I was called black. Black was not a celebrated word. It was an accusation. It was a put down. It was the very thing that made me perceive myself as less than. I thought that because I was dark I was not as good as the light skinned girls.

You wouldn't believe me if I told you how many years of my life that line of thinking occupied. But I tell you, girls that grow up without a clear sense of their value become women who spend years trying to navigate the same things. The sad part is that no one has to grow up this way.

We have been provided the perfect guide book to help us establish value and self worth. The problem is we seldom use it. Imagine what it would be like if little girls understood how valuable they were to God. Imagine if they knew more about Proverbs 31:10 than they did the pages of Elle, Glamour, and Vogue. They would understand that God loves them more than life. He proved this by offering Jesus as the blood sacrifice. They would understand that He, not diamonds is their best friend. He will never leave or forsake them, but thin waists, perfect breasts, and hair surely will.

If we took the time to help our children understand that we are all God's peculiar treasure, they would know that cars, houses, and jewelry are of no consequence to the sons and daughters of the one who possesses both heaven and earth. 

If we trained children in the way that they should go, according to the teachings found in the book of Isaiah, our sons would exalt our daughters and our daughters would exalt our sons.

We have been provided the perfect guide book to help us establish value and self worth. Step one is to recognize that this book is the bible. Step two is to read and understand its word. And step three,which is my favorite, is to live like our value is established in it.


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