Friday, March 20, 2015

Less Than Perfect

We teach children to believe in themselves and to make wise choices. Everyday for the past eight months I have been a part of those lessons. Make a better choice or make a different choice can be heard pretty much all day at my job. Our words are leading them and guiding them to one day be in complete control of their choices without the constant reminder of an adult's voice. When that day comes, when these little people become the ones in charge of their own choices, they will see how each choice determines whether or not they will be perfect.

Perfect little girls and boys exist because they're choices are guided by a need to please their parents. They know that if they exhibit a certain behavior their choices will please their parents and make them perfect in their sight. So little boys and girls everywhere learn to make the choices that if not perfect will at least make their parents view them as perfect.

These perfect little children somehow grow up to be less than perfect adults. Their choices no longer reflect a need to please or a desire for perfection. Their adult choices are self serving and completely devoid of the awareness of the watchful eye of a parent. Their less than perfect choices are as deliberate as the perfect ones that they made in their youth. The less than perfect choices receive the same forethought and the same degree of planning as the perfect choices, however less than perfect choices do not come with the same reward.

When a choice becomes less than perfect, it is coupled with less than perfect consequences. These consequences range from heartache to confusion and despair. We often find it difficult to sit with the aftermath of a less than perfect choice. We become defensive or withdrawn. Our character shifts to match the less than perfect threshold that we've become comfortable at. And over time, we forget that we were once innocent enough to try for and achieve perfection. 

Adayinthelife :-)

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