Friday, August 7, 2015

The Master Teacher

Master teachers will sacrifice themselves for the benefit of a student. Jesus showed us many examples of this. One of my favorite examples is Jesus' relationship with Judas. Through this relationship, Jesus taught us to love a person regardless of what they had done. He knew that Judas would betray Him, but He still walked with him. Jesus still shared the truth of who God was with Him. He still sat with him over a meal and washed his feet. The scripture could have simply said Jesus was betrayed, however the master teacher wanted to make sure that we had a clear lesson of what love looked like. He wanted to make sure that we learned that love requires us to be open, humble, and forgiving.

Another example of Jesus being a master teacher, is when He commanded Peter to walk on water. Jesus was teaching Peter how to have faith in the impossible. He was teaching Him how to believe in the power of God. Peter had already witnessed miracles performed. He had already heard Jesus speak. Jesus commanding him to walk on water was personal. In this, Peter (and all of us) were taught the importance of making the lesson personal. Peter believed that Jesus could do wondrous things for others. Jesus commanding him to walk on water taught Him how to believe in wondrous things for himself.

Jesus, the master teacher, taught us many other lessons throughout the bible. He taught us how to be calm in the midst of a storm. He taught us how to speak boldly when the house of the Lord was being disrespected. Jesus also taught the importance of a listening ear and a servant's heart. If we, who are called to teach, would only follow His example. We would understand that sacrificing our time for the good of the lesson is required. We would embrace the length of time spent preparing because we would understand it's positive impact on those receiving the lesson. We would seek God's direction and not conform to the teaching standards of man. We would live lives as Jesus did realizing that our actions are where our lessons begin.

Adayinthelife :-)

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