Friday, August 28, 2015

What Seeds Have You Been Planting?

I overheard a young girl say to a friend "I ain't coming to this school next year". I walked closer to her and asked her to repeat what she said. She put her head down and replied "nothing". I took two steps in the direction away from her and again I heard "I ain't coming to this school next year". I quickly turned around and told her "don't poison someone else with your negative thoughts". Her face showed her surprise, but I knew she understood completely what I was saying. In essence, stop planting negative seeds.

Witnessing the exchange between the two girls made me reflect on the role of an apostle. Apostles are called on to build up the church. They are charged with depositing the word of God in others. They must speak in a way that edifies God and strengthens the hearers faith. An apostle ensures that the word of God is heard and works to make sure that the foundation for a new congregation (group of believers) has  been established. Essentially, an apostle plants the words of God.

What seeds have you been planting? Have you found yourself whispering negative thoughts to others like the young girl? Perhaps you are unhappy at your job and thought it was alright to share this with a coworker. Maybe you spoke your displeasure with your spouse to a trusted friend. What seed were you planting when you talked your unwillingness to support the work of the ministry? 

Consider what it would be to embrace the work of an apostle. Take the time to purposefully deposit the word of God into another. Speak words of praise to God. Carefully consider the building of someone else's faith. For example saying "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want" requires the same number of words as "I'm so tired of living from paycheck to paycheck". The difference is in the seed that is planted. What seeds have you been planting?

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.
1 Corinthians 3:6

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