Saturday, November 14, 2009

He Loved Me When I Didn't Know How to Love Myself

Earlier today I told a friend that I believed God, but I couldn't believe that he would pick me. The reason I made that statement doesn't really matter. It was true then and it is true now. I'm sitting here thinking about my day and how nothing seemed to go as planned. I woke up, got dressed, and went to a meeting that had already taken place. I went to the wrong store to get a gift for an upcoming wedding. I found the perfect scent only to discover that it was designed for men. I sought encouragement only to be shut down. In the natural it would seem that I had a bad day.
Thank God I am not operating in the natural

A few minutes ago I realized that this morning's statement and the days events helped me to get to a place of thanks. I could easily gripe about the day, but all I can think is He loves me. He's always loved me. I remember in high school I was always searching for something. I needed to be in charge. I needed to fit in. I needed acceptance. I was so critical of myself (I still am). I couldn't see how anyone could love me because I had so many flaws. I always seemed to be getting something wrong. It was kind of like what happened today. I couldn't see the right in it all when it was happening, but I serve of God who loves me and He continues to remind me that everything I am is good enough for Him.

It's alright with Him that I missed the meeting. All week as I prepared for it, my mind was focused on Him. It was alright that I went to the wrong store. He used me to touch the new people I met in my travels. The disappointment about the fragrance..... I think I wouldn't have been so disappointed if he would have understood the reason for my excitement. This too is alright because it reminded me that I haven't been praying for us the way that I should. Each situation had the potential to begin and end badly. I thank God that I can see how it was all meant for my good.

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