Monday, November 23, 2009

A la Carte

I have been pondering how to write this blog for quite some time now. The thought originally came about a month ago. I was angry then and decided to table it to another time. Saturday night a comment was made that let me know it was time.

I'll start by saying I have a certain fondness for a la carte meals. I love the idea of being able to pick and choose what I want to eat. In that sense there is an almost limitless variety of choices. It is favorable to many because we want what we want when we want it. The idea of picking and choosing is quite enticing. Clearly I think that a la carte has it's place.

A la carte has no place in a spiritual walk. You can't just pick and choose what you will consume. You can't go to your pastor for him to speak healing and prosperity in your life on Sunday and run to your girlfriends to speak over your personal life on Monday. You can't decide to go from person to person picking up favorable words in a la carte fashion. The pastor says, "You will be healed." You say, "I believe". The pastor says you will get a new job. You say, "I believe". The pastor says this is your year. You say, "I believe". The entire time these things are transpiring you are met with support and amens from your friends. Yet the minute it turns personal and he says "he's the one", the very same friends decide that the plate that you've been eating from needs some variety. They decide it is ok to encourage you to believe everything except what the man of God says. They begin with, did you ask this person? Did you ask that person? Oh, well if you ask me I don't believe that will work out. They go as far as to question whether your pastor is a false prophet. They do so openly and without thought of what they're saying because I usually just stare at them wondering what spirit they are of.

I can't do that anymore. I believe that if you believe your man or woman of God then that's the end of it. You believe them until YOU no longer have reason to and that reason shouldn't come via conversation with anyone except God. I'm tired of people who feel like it's ok to say any and everything to me about pastors who God has used to positively affect my life. I came to know God under pastor G.I Bradley. I came to truly love God under Bishop Henry L. Porter. And I am growing in my service to God under pastor DeWayne Harvey. These are the men that God has set forth to shepherd my life. I don't believe that either of them are without fault. I do believe that they are all men of God who speak the word of God. If you believe otherwise, do me a big favor and tell someone who cares. That would not be me.

1 comment:

Michae E. Allen said...

I agree, when it comes to the word of God, you have to take the whole thing. Now, it may take some time (it may be an acquired taste) and maturity for you to be able to swallow all of it, but you will have to accept everything eventually.

I'm not a fan of "pastor worship" but God has created that position for a purpose. Those men are to be followed and believed as long as they are leading you towards Christ. Additionally, they do have gifts and talents that others in the church may not have grown into. So when people lead with "my pastor said" instead of "the word of God says" I get leery. But I also don't like it when people try to tear down the office of pastor when its clearly sanctioned and set forth by God. Balance...balance.