Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I like him....and him too....a shout out to Nika

I saw a friend's status message on facebook that said "I like him...and him too." I immediately laughed because I know exactly where she's coming from. I've been there a time or two and I've been with her through it a time or two in the past. No one ever told me what to do about the dueling feelings that I was having. Right now, I feel like I'm starting to like someone for all of his imperfections. It's a little bit of a weird approach I know. When I met him, it was an instant attraction. At this point those are not the things that make me laugh and smile. I'm noticing different things like the fact that he is so articulate in one moment, but he stutters in the next. He doesn't seem embarrassed about it at all and that is so empowering for me because I trip over my words when I'm nervous. I noticed something else about him today. He is a motivator and he's soft spoken. I hadn't noticed it before because I think that I was infatuated with the way he looks. He is smoking hot by the way. That is a funny statement too because the more I look at him and the more I dissect it, the smoking hot part becomes so small next to the other things.

He is not an island unto himself where my thoughts are concerned. There is another who is a sweet shelter for me. In him there are so many things to ponder....so many things I missed. Things that are now like dueling dragons in my mind's eye. I more than like him. I think of him always. Always....and then some more. It's different with him though. He makes me happy and tired all at once. He is a conundrum that I just can't give anymore time to today. This started out carefree and that's the way it shall end. I like him....and him too. What's a girl to do?

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