Thursday, June 10, 2010

The most pressing thought that I'm having is what should I call this today? A few of my thoughts are silence is golden, please shut up, and why me? All of those would be fitting, but they would also require too much of an explanation. I can see it now. She thinks I'm referencing her inability to just mind her own business. This one thinks maybe her lame comment went too far. He sees everything in the universe as being about him and the rest...truly those would be the ones those titles were meant for. I just want a moment to vent. I want to vent about how on earth things are peachy one moment and the next they are just blah. How is it that my life is so topsy freaking turvy? Last night I sat up trying to remind myself that no matter what tangibly goes wrong, I am still in the center of God's will. That particular conversation fell on semi deaf ears because I know it, but right now I'm just not feeling it. Right now I'm sick of looking at white walls and nothing. Right now I just wish I was at home (Bradenton) where I didn't have to sit in a stupid hot house without air conditioning.... Actually, I did for a while there, but even that was not like this. I am over not having furniture. I am over 10 months on a stupid air mattress. I am over working in a stupid career and not being able to afford my own dinner when I go out with friends. I am over living from check to stupid check. I can't go anywhere that I want. I can't do anything without people paying for me or giving me gas money. I am just sick and tired of all of it. That is all.

Please do not respond to this message via email, fb, call, or text. I don't really have a positive thing to say about it right now. I just needed to get it out.

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