Thursday, October 17, 2013

Love Is Still Missing

People hang on to relationships that are not meant to be out of greed. Greed is an intense and selfish desire for something. The woman who spends time with a man that she does not want is greedy. The man who refuses to let go of his ex is the same. Each will say I love too much to leave. Remaining in a relationship that God did not ordain is not out of love. It is indicative of  what happens in the cycle of greed.

One bad relationship leads you to believe that you will never have a successful one. You find yourself wondering why am I with this person or we just can't seem to get along. The fighting and arguing begins to take a toll. You know without a doubt this is not the person that God has chosen to be your spouse. So you decide to breakup. But, instead of letting go and allowing yourself to heal, you hold on tighter. You continue to call even though you know the relationship is not going anywhere. You go to dinner, stop by the house, and eventually you're back having sex. All the while, you are dating someone else. You may be hopeful or even a little invested in the relationship, but still you hang on to your ex. The fear of never having someone to love you consumes you until you begin to think that "having" two people in your life means that you are in fact loved.

You find ways to split your time with one and then the other. All the while you brag to your friends about how they are both so into you and you have them exactly where you want them. Truth is you are so empty. There is a gaping whole where you pretend all of their love resides. You do your best to fill it with more dates, more phone calls, more sex. But nothing seems to work. No amount of things can make up for the love that you truly yearn for. When its all said and done love is still missing, but greed never left.


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