Thursday, February 27, 2014

Walking Away

If you walk away from everyone who hurts you, who will be left?

This question is one that I've wondered about from time to time. It's easy to walk away when you're hurt and embarrassed. It's easy to let your friends, your feelings, and your being fed up with faults lead you to the door.

But what happens when you get there? What happens when you physically leave, but you're still connected spirit to spirit?

"I can't trust again. I won't hurt again. I'm done."

The words tumble out, your body moves, but your spirit is still tied to the one...

The one they don't want you to love. The one they told you to walk away from. The one that more than one they wish they had because they know his love is true.

But you said you had to leave. You had to "do what's best for me". Tell me how you expected to be whole when you walked away from your other half?

Adayinthelife :-)

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