Friday, June 20, 2014

Ready Or Not

I haven't met many people who haven't played hide and seek at some point in their life. It is one of the easiest games played during childhood. One person closes their eyes and counts while everyone else runs and hides. Once the counter reaches the agreed upon number, he/she shouts ready or not here I come and runs looking for the hiders. Meanwhile, those hiding do their best to remain hidden until they can safely make it back to home base. 

I witnessed a group of kids playing this game just a few days ago. Some of the hiders went to great lengths to cover themselves with other objects or camouflage themselves into the surrounding landscape. One young girl appeared bored with the game and decided to hide in plain sight. Though she didn't have anything hiding her, she stood completely frozen until hearing "ready or not here I come".

Those children made me think about how many of us never stopped playing hide and seek. We adapted it to fit into our adult, Christian lives. We designated God as the counter and we ran and hid. Some of us went to great lengths to hide the fact that we know God is real. We cover ourselves in every label that the world has to offer being very careful not to stand out and look like someone who belongs to God. Others are better at camouflaging. We have no trouble hiding among the sinners or the saints. Our skill is knowing when and how to blend in. Then, there are those who have become too complacent to even attempt to hide from God. We go about each day without a care or thought for the expectations of God or man.

The interesting thing is, we have adapted our lives to the game without remembering the real premise. The objective of the counter is to catch someone to be in their position. He/She seeks to tag someone to give them the power to seek out those who are hiding. This is perfect when we see the counter as God because He is in fact looking for us to be just like Him. He's looking for those who are tired of hiding and being concealed by the world. He's looking for those who will chase after others until everyone seeks to return to their heavenly home. I hear Him shouting....  

Ready or not
Here I Come

The question is how good have you become at hiding?

Adayinthelife :-)

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