Thursday, June 11, 2015

Avoiding Foolishness

How many times have you had to face yourself in the mirror after a momentary meltdown? Was it three or four last week? For some of us it was three or four in rush hour traffic this morning. Regardless of when it was or how many times it happened, the end result was the same. You moved on. You might have cursed the driver in front of you. You might have told your boyfriend's ex exactly where she could go and how to get there. You might have even yelled at the person who made your food wrong or the bill collector that kept calling your house. But what is true of everyone who is reading this is, we all eclipsed the moment. So I have to ask why not just sidestep the drama in the first place?

Why not just avoid giving in to the foolishness that we are faced with day after day? Rush hour didn't go any smoother just because you cursed the driver. Your man's ex is still just that...his EX. You either ate the improperly made food or you did not. And we all know that a bill won't get paid until we are good and ready to pay it. So why get angry? Why exhibit character that is not pleasing or edifying to God? Why allow how we feel in a moment to take control of the course of our day?

Failing to avoid foolishness means we give over control of who we are in Christ and entice others to do the same. Scripture tells us to avoid putting a stumbling block in front of another sister or brother. When we choose to curse, yell, or tell someone off, we are lowering ourselves beneath God's threshold of approval and creating the space for someone else to fail. Is someone else's salvation worth the 30 seconds it took you to let off some steam? Would you still do it if you knew it meant you were the person that caused someone else to get so far out of character that they could not make their way back to God? We might think the release is worth the risk, but even that line of thought is foolishness to God.

Adayinthelife :-)

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