Friday, June 19, 2015


I am loyal to a fault. I will go to war for my family and friends. If I love you, there is nothing that I won't do for you. These words that I've spoken countless times are not just words. They are truth. They are my truth and anyone who has ever stood under the umbrella of my love can testify about just how true they are. Loyalty to me is not an option. Loyalty is a requirement.

It is a requirement in every relationship. Loyalty is second only to love. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is not jealous, but loyalty...Loyalty is possessive, it is determined, and it is unwavering. Loyalty says I will fight for you even when you don't know how to. Loyalty says I will stand in, stand up, even stand out if it means that my standing will help you. 

Loyalty like love is endless. It is resolute and true. It is all of these things, but like true love it is not fueled by emotion. No, true loyalty is based in a commitment that does not exist because of how you feel. It exists despite the feelings that come and go. It is rooted and grounded in a principle that many of us profess, but fail to understand. I am loyal to my family and friends, but true loyalty is rooted and grounded in God's love. God's love is not selective and exclusive. God's love is inclusive. His love reaches beyond those who we have bonded with and covers every corner of the earth.

God's love is a covenant between Him and each and every one of us. His love is restorative. His love is unconditional and does not require us to love Him first, back, or at all. This is the love that loyalty is built on.

I am loyal, but if that loyalty is not built on the colorless, emotionless, faceless love of God it is not truly loyalty at all.

I will maintain my love to him forever, and my covenant with him will never fail.
Psalms 89:28

Adayinthelife :-)

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