Friday, July 3, 2015

Whose Law Governs Your Life?

I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. God is the head of my life. I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. But, God, He is the head of my life. I surrender everything to His control.

How can one live life according to their own terms while still being subject to God’s law? It would seem to be impossible. I am the master of my fate suggests that I am in complete control. My actions are my choosing. I move at my own command. I have control of everything that happens. There is no need or room for God.

Think about how truly limiting that is. Living a life that is directed by self instead of by God. This is a life of selfishness. This is a life of thoughtlessness. This is a life devoid of Love. However, it is a life that many choose to live. I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.

I am the one who decides which law I will follow and which truth I will uphold. I am the one who determines how I will treat someone. I am the one who I will rely on. I am the captain of my soul. I am the gauge for what is right. I am the measure for how far I stretch myself and how much of me you get to hold. I am the master of my fate. I live according to what’s in my own soul.

But God is the head of my life. He is in complete control. His word comforts me when I am low. His word teaches me how to live. His word teaches me how to love. I read it and I am inspired. I read it and I am empowered. I read it and I am made whole. His word is a lamp unto my feet. His word is food for my soul.

I wrestle with what to do. I wrestle with whose law I want to uphold. How can I be the master of my fate if I’ve already given God my soul?

It is God’s will that your good lives should silence those who foolishly condemn the Gospel without knowing what it can do for them, having never experienced its power.
1 Peter 2:15 (TLB)

Adayinthelife :-)

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