Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It's Alright To Walk Away

I had a conversation with one of my brothers last night. The conversation was refreshing and a little nostalgic all at once. While we were talking, I found myself wishing that we could bottle up the conversation and drink from its sweetness on another day. He reminded me of home in a way that only he could.

It was weird thinking of home in the way that we shaped it.We have both had individual journeys that have caused home to mean different things over the years. But, last night home was more than the boundaries of a physical location. Home was two people with hopes and dreams for a future that is not confined to the home of our youth. We were able to look back and appreciate why we've worked so hard to move forward. We were able to laugh and lament, pause and reflect on how our journey would have been different without God.

I have turned over in my mind one of the things that we talked about. It was the struggle to walk away from all that you've ever known. We both have taken steps to do that. We both have had different things springing up in the road like misplaced pillars determined to block our path. I wanted to tell him, it's alright to walk away. It's alright to go off and be a lawyer, professor, or whatsoever God places on your heart. It's alright to dream dreams and raise a family that steps outside of the box and breaks generational curses. It's alright to make new friends. Doing so does not erase the love you have for the old ones. I wanted to say all of these things, but for once I just enjoyed the moment.


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