Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fit To Serve

Have you ever found yourself in the center of an amazing workout? You are 30 minutes in, breathing at an increased pace, and sweating just enough to let you know you're working hard, but can still turn it up a notch. The soft thump of your heart begins to play a song that drowns out the song being played on your IPod. A momentary glance at your reflection in the mirror elicits a bright smile and you think "looking good girl. He's going to be so impressed." That thought causes you to work a little harder, ignore the rumble of your stomach, and the burn of your legs. This is your body, but keeping it tight for him is the single most powerful motivator. Until.... He no longer pays any attention to how you look or better yet he leaves. His departure signals the end of long hours at the gym, light dinners, and overall healthy meals. You notice that you've gained a couple of pounds, but do nothing to curb it. You once ate to live, but now you live to eat.

Fitness goals are made for so many different reasons. The scenario I just shared is only one. When I consider the Christian purpose, I wonder how being physically fit could ever take a backseat. God has called us all to serve and do all that we can to spread His word. Service includes being mindful of what goes in our bodies and being in good physical health. When I neglect my body by eating poorly or choosing to not exercise, I neglect the responsibility of service that God has placed in all of our hands. I jeopardize the life that God has set before me. I jeopardize my relationship with Him. I become one that has to lament about my health instead of being in a prayer circle crying out to God for the health of others. My careless treatment of my body causes the focus to be on me instead of on God. Ultimately, if I am not physically fit, then I am not fit to serve. Please take your time pondering that.


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