Thursday, August 1, 2013

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Genesis 9:12-15 NIV

And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.

Somewhere in this great big world a rain cloud is forming. A little girl is sitting at her window upset that the rain has come to steal her fun away. Her mother runs from the car with a bag of groceries cursing because getting wet is just the latest thing to go wrong in a pretty crappy day. She overslept that morning, missed a meeting with her new boss, and now here comes the rain. It might not be so bad if her life wasn't in as much turmoil as the clouds that covered the sky in black and grey.

Her husband seemed to be uninterested in spending time with her, making love to her, even talking to her was the last thing he did with his day. Their daughter had been acting out for weeks and she was sure her long hours at work were to blame. But there was nothing she could do. Her job was on the line and the family has more debts than she can manage. Why she wondered, did God have to send the rain?

She hadn't thought about praying or talking to God in so long. There was so much going on, yet she didn't have a lot to say. Every night she would lie in bed wondering when the storm would pass. When would somewhere over the rainbow be more than a childhood song she used to sing? When would the sun shine on her life again?

This mother could be any one of us. She is so focused on the storm, the rain, the troubles in her life. A part of her remembers that she should talk to God, but she doesn't. She walks in the rain cursing it. But it was sent to restore. She stumbles through her life unwilling to place her relationship with her daughter over her quest to keep things. Her marriage is falling apart, yet she has not looked inward or upward. She has only looked outward at her husband to place blame. She has forgotten for better or for worse just as she discarded the reason for the rain.

God sends the storm and the rain to wash away what should not be, to restore what has wilted, and to remember the covenant He made. Besides, if you're looking forward to somewhere over the rainbow, you must remember you cannot have a rainbow without rain.


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