Friday, August 30, 2013

Who Are You Responsible For?

Mark 16:15 KJV

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Have you ever considered the fact that you are responsible for someone's life? I am not referring only to those who may have children. I am speaking collectively to each and every person who hears or reads this. I am speaking to young and old. I am speaking to males and females. You are responsible for someone else's life.

Some of you may be wondering how or what on earth is she talking about? Well, it's quite simple actually. You are responsible to spread God's word. You are responsible to serve Him with your life. If we look to the scripture,

Joshua 24:14 KJV reads (in part)

Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve Him in sincerity and truth...

This scripture tells us to serve God. A part of that service includes telling others about who He is. Before Jesus left His disciples for the final time, He said

Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15)

This was the mandate that he gave to them. This is also what He expects of me and you. He expects us to not only embrace His words, but to boldly share them with others. I know that many rely on the pastor or other leaders to share the word. It is their responsibility, but that does not excuse you.

There are people that God has assigned to be in your life, to cross your path, or just to approach you. These are the people that you are responsible for. You are required to tell them that Jesus lived. You are responsible to tell them that He died. You are responsible to tell them that He longs to be in a relationship with them.

There is no time to put it off until next week. No time to gather your thoughts and decide what the appropriate thing is to say. If you miss the opportunity to share Jesus with them in the moment, they may never know Him. Not knowing Him will cost them their life.


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