Thursday, March 13, 2014

I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me

I have often recounted the story of what happened the first time that I spoke before the congregation. I had prepared my message days before and I was confident that it was what the Lord wanted me to speak on. However, prepared or not I was afraid to stand and speak in front of people. I wanted to be anywhere but standing in the pulpit. I got so panicked that I cried and told the pastor that I could not do it. I was not ready. I wanted to sit down.

In the days leading up to it, I hoped that something would happen to sabotage the whole thing. You see it was not that I didn't want to share God's word. The problem was that I was certain that I could not do what I had been asked. I was certain that God had chosen the wrong messenger. I was not strong enough or equipped to carry through the task. In this way I was a lot like Jonah. God commanded Jonah to go preach to the people of Nineveh. Jonah knew that God had spoken to him. He knew what God wanted him to do, but he decided in his own mind that he could not do it. Jonah went so far as to run away from the Lord and deliberately go in the opposite direction of the assignment that God had given him.

What does this have to do with I can do all things through Christ you ask? Well, the problem that I faced, the problem that Jonah faced, and the problem that many of you have faced is the inability to believe God's word for yourself. We believe that God can do all things through the pastor. We believe that God can do all things through the praying mothers of the church. But when it comes right down to it, we don't believe that God can do all things in and through us. We don't have faith in the scripture. We don't have faith in God.

The scripture I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me has become a catch phrase instead of the living, breathing, life changing word of God. If you find yourself panicking or running away from what God has commanded you to do, take a moment to pray. Honestly tell God that you are unequipped and unworthy and you are asking Him to increase your faith and remove all of your doubts. Whatever you do, do not run away in the direction of a boat unless you wish to find yourself in the belly of a whale.

Scripture Reference: Please go back and read the book of Jonah.

Adayinthelife :-)

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