Friday, March 21, 2014

Position, Power, & Purpose

"You have seen something with your own eyes today. The Lord put you in my power in the cave. They said I should kill you, but I was merciful. I said, 'I won't harm my master, because he is the Lord's appointed king.
1 Samuel 24:10

A series of questions will begin my time with you today. The first being, can you remember the time when you were perfectly positioned to get back at someone who you used to love? Do you remember the feeling you had when you realized that you were given the power to settle the score with them? And what about the thought that repaying wrong to them was your God given purpose? In the scope of your thoughts, you had position, power, and purpose. The most important question for today is how did you use them?

To begin with, when God places us in position it is to elevate. This is true regardless of the situations that we are faced with. Take for example, you find out your spouse has cheated on you. God placed that information before you to elevate the person. By this I mean your assignment is to help restore them back to God. Cheating may feel like a personal attack, but you must view it as an opportunity for you to position yourself before God in prayer on behalf of your spouse.

Next, when God empowers you to do something, it is to bring the focus back to Him. We do this by actively showing God's love to the people who have wronged us. For example, when your most trusted friend tells a lie on you, do not respond in anger. Respond in God. Tell him that you forgive him. Apologize for allowing a division to come between the two of you. Yes, I said apologize when someone lies on you. The apology will humble you reminding you of the times that you have been where your friend is. The apology will also open the door to an understanding that won't be reached if you are holding on so tight to repaying a wrong.

Finally, when God sets His purpose before you, you will submit your life to Him. We often miss our purpose because we are hurt by that cheating spouse or that lying friend. We are angry because someone forgot to thank us or maybe they took credit for what we assumed was our moment to shine. However, our purpose in life is to live a life unto God. Life unto God erases any thoughts of revenge or get back. Life unto God leads us to think only of how we can use our power to position ourselves and others in the best place to receive Him.

**Please take the time to read all of 1 Samuel 24.**


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