Thursday, March 6, 2014

Does It Really Take All of That?

I can remember distinctly what I was told some years ago when I joined the church.

"Make sure you buy a bible, concordance, and a notebook. You will need the bible and the concordance to study. You will need the notebook to take notes during the services and bible lessons. Also, you will need to attend First Steps classes so that you can learn more about God. Make sure you attend each Wednesday night bible study. Write the scriptures down so that you can go back and study them. Everyday read a passage from the old testament, the new testament, a psalm, and a proverb"

I saw my teacher's lips moving, heard her talking, but I swear somewhere around her telling me to buy a notebook all I could think was... 

"Does it really take all that? I said I wanted to give my life to God and this lady just gave me a laundry list of things to do. I thought they said give your life to God and He will do the rest. I promise you I know why people don't come to church. They want you to do too much. And what on earth is a concordance? I have to read all of that EVERYDAY?"

Needless to say I did not voice any of my objections. I just sat there wondering what I had gotten myself into. I had been away from God so long that I had forgotten there was more to being saved than just saying I believe God. I actually had to learn about Him by reading and studying His word. The list of things that I was told to do was just the beginning. It was the kindergarten step in my journey to truly knowing God.

You see the bible tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16, that All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. With this in mind, the instructions that I was given were not only necessary, but they were vital to my growth as a Christian. God intended for Christians to hide the word in our hearts as is described in Psalm 119. We are to accept His words and store His commands as is instructed in Proverbs 2:1. Finally, we are to meditate on it day and night. I found that in Joshua 1:8. Old testament, new testament, a psalm, and a proverb maybe my teacher knew what she was talking about after all.

Adayinthelife :-)

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