Thursday, January 1, 2015

Didn't You Know? I'm Better Than You.

We have all just made it into a new year and the Facebook posts have already started. My news feed reads..."This year I'm cutting off all liars, cheaters, and unreliable people." "2015 is all about me." "It's time for me to do spring cleaning and delete all the drama from my page." By drama of course the person meant people. One of my least favorite posts is the image of a woman walking into 2015 carrying a bag filled with God, love, peace, and focus. Behind her in 2014 are negativity, hate, fake friends, temper, heartbreak, and jealousy. The number of people who like these posts is far more alarming than the fact that any of it was posted in the first place. We all know that liking a post is your virtual amen. These posts have more amen's than a resurrection Sunday sermon.

Friends, the number of likes is not even the problem. The problem is the number of times that each one of us has held these sentiments in our own hearts. In anger, disappointment and hurt, I have felt all of these things. I have wanted to be rid of the lying, cheating, drama filled people who were taking up space in my life. I have thought that I was free to sashay away from fake friends who were beneath the fabulous person that God had called me to be. I was so focused on the word that I would have no time to babysit their negative, hate filled, tempers. It's so funny that in all of my posturing to be free of negativity and carry God, peace, and love; I forgot that God is not pleased with us putting others beneath ourselves. 

God is not pleased with the it's all about me attitude that so many of us adopt once we are hurting, fed up, or saved. Yes, I said saved. We give our lives to God and take on superior attitudes that cause us to see every negative thing about someone else while turning a blind eye to the many times that our actions mirrored their faults. We give our lives to God and decide that we are brand new, but they are sinners. We are sanctified, but they are lying, cheating, negative balls of energy. We are better than them, but truly we are not. We are hampered by our own feelings and thoughts that turn us into hypocrites instead of disciples with servant's heart.

The Pharisee (spiritual leader) stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector.
Luke 18:11

Adayinthelife :-)

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