Thursday, July 17, 2014

Business Before Pleasure

Have you ever just stopped and asked yourself what am I doing? What is supposed to take place in this day? Well, I have. I've had those moments where I woke up and just sat there wondering what I was supposed to do. It has happened at times during the work week when my day included business and the weekend when my sole objective was pleasure. It was not that I didn't understand what was supposed to happen at my job or with my leisure time. The thing was I was out of touch with my Father's assignment for my day.

These moments happened most often when I allowed myself to become so wrapped up with the ebb and flow of each day that I forgot that every single thing that I had planned was secondary to what God had planned for me. I know that I am not the only one who has asked God to order my steps and then placed His instructions behind grading papers, watching Grey's Anatomy, or aimlessly reading my news feed. I assured myself that it was alright if I changed the order as long as I eventually got everything done.

I tell you it was not alright. Everything that we do is supposed to line up with God's plans for us not vice versa. We are to follow His instructions seeing to it that His business supersedes our wants, our desires, and yes even our needs. Let me go further on the needs part. We often find ourselves saying things like it's alright that I missed service today because God knew that I needed to be at work. Well, did you ever think that He had a job for you to do in the service that day? He needed you to be one of the people praying. He needed you to give the new member a ride home. He needed you to hear the word so that you could speak life to the dead spirit in your boss. 

But you needed to pay the light bill. You needed to make enough to cover the grocery bill. You needed to be present for the 90th day so that your medical insurance could come through. Meanwhile, God was waiting for you to remember to put His business first and allow Him to be the supplier of all of your needs.


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