Thursday, July 24, 2014

Who Reached Down For You?

Who reached down for you? We love to answer that question by saying God helped me. God met me right where I was. He picked me up and turned me around. That sounds good, but no man has seen God so again I ask who reached down for you? Who did God send to be your help? Did He send an aunt or uncle? Maybe it was a school teacher or preacher? For some it was a drug addict or dealer. Others found their hand in the hand of an innocent little boy or girl.

The one thing that is true is that we all have been in a position of disgrace or despair at some point. We cried out to God for help if we knew how. If we didn't, we continued to sink and sink until seemingly from nowhere someone said enough. You don't have to live this way. You can do better. You can be better. Who reached down for you?

Was it the wife whose husband you had been sleeping with? Or the boss who you'd spent months doing your best to undermine? Could it have been the best friend that you belittled every time he or she was out of your sight? Who reached down for you?

Who met you in sin's alley and refused to turn away? Was it an angel all dressed in white? This is another thought that we hold on to. Most likely it was someone who looked like you. It was someone who recognized the smell of sin that lingered on you because they knew the smell themselves. But did you know that the person who reached down for you was on assignment?

He looked just like your friend from back in the day because he knew how to blend in. She spoke with the same voice of the woman you trusted because she knew what you needed. They knew that they needed to wear whatever shell that you were wearing to reach you. Had they come like a sheep dressed with the spirit of God on their sleeves, you would have ridiculed them or tuned them out.

Instead they came dressed like you and stuck by you long enough to reach down for you at just the moment when had they not the wolf would have been the only one there. Who reached down for you? Or should I ask who will you reach down to?

To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.
1 Corinthians 9:22

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