Sunday, May 31, 2009

Random Musings

I feel like I'm stuck in an over analysis of life. Lately I've been consumed with thoughts about what the right and wrong thing to do are. I don't mean it in the sense of murder being wrong while helping a neighbor is right. I mean what's right in our everyday decision making. Did God want me to do this or that? Was I supposed to say something or keep my thoughts to myself. I am stressing myself out and I don't even know why it takes so much thought. It's not that I don't want to do the right things. I just don't want to think about it so much.

I worried myself to death about a choice one of my friends is making. The sad part is I support his choice. I was just so afraid that somehow he hadn't spent enough time consulting God. I didn't want him to make a choice that would cause him to be out of God's will. But honestly who am I to say what God's will is for him or anyone else for that matter. I'm trying my best to figure it out. I know there will be mistakes along the way. I just hope that I end up on the right side.

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