Saturday, March 23, 2013


So it's the middle of the night and I'm up because my nap turned into an afternoon in la la land. It's all good though. I am happy that I get the opportunity to write. On this evening's menu is something that has been on my mind for a little while. Do we understand what it means to be in agreement?

Agreement is defined as a harmony of opinion, action, or character. If we are in agreement, we are in harmony. If we are in agreement, we are on one accord. I wonder about our understanding of agreement because some things just cannot be in harmony. On the other hand, agreement is essential to life. When I think about agreement, I think about marriage. In a marriage, the husband & wife are one body. In a marriage, the husband & wife must be on one accord. It is impossible for the relationship to thrive if the two fail to understand agreement. It is impossible for the relationship to live unless they are of one accord. How can a husband have friends that offend his wife? How can the wife have friends who don't like her husband? If they are one body, to offend one is to offend both. If they are one body, to dislike one is to dislike both. But this is not the whole of it.

When I think about agreement, I think about relationship. Friendships flourish or fail based on the level of agreement between the members. The bible says in Amos 3:3, "can two walk together, except they be agreed?" Can two people remain friends, thick as thieves, bffs, ace boon coons, homies, or whatever if they are not in agreement? No, they cannot. As the people change, the relationship changes. Problems arise because people don't understand agreement. How can a Christian, an agent for Christ, be best friends with a nonbeliever? And still this is not the whole of it.

When I think about agreement, I think about family. The popular saying is that families fight. People say it, accept it, and in some ways look forward to it. But again I go to the bible in Matthew 12:50. Jesus said "For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother." He was saying whoever shall be in agreement with my Father, this person is in my family. It was not whoever I fight with. It was about being on one accord with the Father. This is the whole of it.

Marriage is about being on one accord with the Father. Friendships are about being on one accord with the Father. Family is about being on one accord with the Father. The Christian life is completely about being on one accord with the Father. Christians must live in agreement with the Father. Christians must live in harmony with the Father. Doing so is about embracing the Christian life. Doing so is about honoring God. Doing so is about preserving that which is most important. Agreement.


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