Monday, March 4, 2013

Practice What You Preach

The lesson for today is practice what you preach. The bible says in Matthew 18:15 NIV “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over." I know this scripture. I share it with others. I encourage people to follow it, but I didn't practice what I preached. I decided I was judge and jury. Instead of going to the person, I went to the masses. I tried and convicted and in the end I was wrong. There was no offense committed against me. There was nothing to try or convict. In the end, what was before me was a test and oh how I failed. I failed because instead of looking to God & following His word, I allowed myself to be persuaded in my own mind. I allowed myself to be persuaded by my insecurities. I allowed the ghosts of hurts past to be resurrected and given new life. A few of you know that it had an absolute affect on every aspect of my life. I even dragged a number of you into it. So it was wrong on more than one front. I can say that I learned something about myself, my commitment, my faith. I talk the talk so much that sometimes I forget to put on my good walking shoes. Adayinthelife:-)

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