Friday, March 1, 2013

Pretty Woman

I don't particularly like comparing myself to a hooker, but I did it twice yesterday and with excellent reason. I have always told people Pretty Woman is my all time favorite movie. Many look at me puzzled and smile. Very few ask the proverbial question. Why? I have many ways that I could answer that question. I will start with because. I love it because it always gave me hope. I would watch it once, twice, a few times even three times a day. I wanted to pinpoint the moment that Vivian was more than just a hooker and Richard Gere was more than just a john. You see Julia Roberts was Vivian. Richard Gere...well he was Richard Gere. LOL!But I digress. I wanted to highlight in my mind the moment that a hooker became my sense of reality. To some that may be sad, but Rahab and Gomer were prostitutes and they are in the bible. I love Pretty Woman because Richard Gere fell in love with a prostitute. He dressed her up and made her look like someone who was acceptable, but at the end of the day he fell for a thigh high boot wearing prostitute. So where are we going with this Brooks is no doubt what you're thinking. Well I remember this one time I fell in love with a dope boy. Or the time I fell in love with an alcoholic. Then there was the time I fell in love with a chameleon. I gave my heart to the dope boy because he allowed me to be just who I was all while encouraging me to be more than just where we grew up at. I gave my life to the alcoholic because I wanted to save him. I wanted to show him he was so much more than what he was reduced to while drunk. In both of these instances, I was comfortable. I knew what the various outcomes could be. I knew how to be street when it was called for and sweet when it wasn't. I knew how to be and I knew what to expect. I had the hope of someone who knew Richard Gere fell in love with a hooker. As I type, I am looking for my thigh high boots and too short skirt cause when I'm wearing my own clothes I am prepared. Adayinthelife:-)

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